My groundbreaking program to rapidly and efficiently clear the familial and ancestral trauma that is blocking you from experiencing the wealth and freedom that you desire.

The Metamorphosis is the pathway to discover your deeper purpose and clear the ancestral programming that keeps you in fear and scarcity and start making money doing what you love.

This is your toolkit to transmute trauma!

Over 50 women have gone through The Metamorphosis. All that were desiring to leave their jobs and start their own businesses did that in the program. ALL experienced profound shifts in their relationships, ability to make more money and new levels of clarity on how to move forward.

As a mental health professional with over 20 years of experience with trauma, I understand in a profound way how to guide you to pinpoint and release the familial and ancestral trauma that keeps you repeating patterns of lack, scarcity and fear.

My methodology is so unique because you will quickly identify the CAUSE of the pattern that you keep repeating or the ceiling you keep hitting. Most practitioners will help you with symptoms which doesn’t eradicate the pattern at it’s deepest level. When you acknowledge the cause, you shift the pattern immediately.

You will identify and shift the unconscious beliefs that you took on starting at birth, in your relationship with your mother, father and siblings. You WILL NOT have to relive all the painful moments or drudge through the past- you quickly identify the key belief that needs to be shifted and then everything changes.

Many of my clients will experience instant shifts or after a few weeks realize their relationships are completely different, money and opportunities start coming “out of nowhere” and they have a profound level of clarity on their next steps.




My guided breathwork sessions are the most powerful tool in this tool kit. Most people report instantaneous results from these sessions. I channel messages straight from the source, provide an energetic transmission and powerful frequency upgrades during these activations. You will notice an immediate difference in how you feel and then the changes just keep unfolding from there.
(valued at $8,000)


I guide you through each topic and how to navigate each week’s treasure trove of information. I explain everything in great detail so you feel completely supported and held through this process and naturally begin your elevator ride into the penthouse.
(valued at $4,000)


Journaling activations that will literally launch you forward by bringing your awareness to old belief systems, family patterns of lack, and limitations so that you can release them using breathwork.
(valued at $2,600)


I use my psychic gifts to give you channeled information about your process and answer all questions you have. The sacred community is extremely vital in your transformation. These women will become your support system and your soul family. Here is where we hold your vision for you and support you in bringing it into your reality.
(valued at $8,000)


Connect deeply with your intuition and activate light codes to connect you with your cosmic family. My meditations literally transport you into the fifth dimension. It’s from this place that you quantum leap your growth and easily step into the future version of yourself.
(valued at $2,500)


There is a group Voxer (voice messaging app) chat for receiving support from Alyse and the community of women in the program. You can bring your questions and get feedback in real time so you get to move with speed and precision. There is also a facebook group where all call recordings are housed.

(value for real time feedback- priceless ;)



Andrea drastically transformed her family dynamics and her relationship with money and has quantum leaped in her business.


Valeria discovered her powerful abilities as a healer, left her full time job and has started her own thriving business.


Thao completely shifted her relationship with her husband and awakened her psychic abilities, and is now thriving in her business.


Emma’s Metamorphosis


Juanita’s Metamorphosis


The total value of The Metamorphosis is $25,100

The container is 8 weeks long and is starting again in June.

Pay in Full- $2222

Payment Plan- 4 payments of $560

It is time to claim your truth, your gifts, and your worthiness.

Trust me, if you have found this course and felt a connection to this work, you are meant to go through this Metamorphosis.

There are no accidents and everything is divinely timed. Trusting that is your first step in trusting your intuition and divine guidance.

This course comes jam-packed with my 20 years of knowledge and experience in personal growth, breathwork, healing, and transformation. 


Some thoughts about working with me that my clients have shared


The Metamorphosis and Alyse have literally changed the trajectory of my life. I have uncovered and healed in ways I didn't know existed. I have aligned to my soul purpose and have pushed through my comport zone to create the life of my dreams. People like Alyse don't come around very often so if you have the opportunity to work with her do not hesitate. It will be one of the great decisions of your life.

— Hani

Working with Alyse was incredibly life-changing, she helped me reclaim my power and shed outdated stories I had about myself.
Her breathwork sessions helped me alchemize my trauma in a way I’ve never experienced before. With Alyse’s support I was able to break the many ancestral patterns that were holding me back and in that process I realized my true potential.
It became easier to set boundaries and speak my truth because I knew what I was worth. Alyse held space for me every step of the way and more importantly empowered me to make my own choices that were rooted in my truth.
My purpose and path are so clear to me now and my gifts are amplified more than ever. More importantly she equipped me with the right tools so that when life gets intense I can use that energy as a portal to even greater success and happiness.
I feel so blessed to have worked with Alyse!

— Mona

Before working with Alyse in the Metamorphosis with some 1-1 work, I was just coming out of taking a year off in my business to process and heal from childhood trauma. I had a lot of anxiety and fear about starting back in my business. And, I had some health issues that I had been dealing with.

I was hesitant at first because I had gone through other programs that claimed to be one thing, and turned out to be something totally different. The breath work sessions are incredibly powerful. It supported me in moving through my fear to take action in my business. Fear was no longer holding me back. I went from feeling lost on where to start and what to offer, to being crystal clear. I'm so excited about what I am offering because it feels 100% authentic and aligned.

My intuition is stronger than it's EVER been in my life. Things that I used to be stuck in waiting weeks or months for answers about, now guidance happens immediately. I feel totally in the flow and opportunities keep coming "out of no where"! No more hustling or working really hard to make things happen.

Alyse is the perfect blend of being well versed in helping you move through trauma, AND build your business. I consistently felt empowered during our time working together. I never looked to her for answers. I knew that if I felt stuck, I could go and do a breath work session and immediately have clarity on what the next step was.

I can't recommend her enough! Definitely one of the BEST investments I have ever made in myself, and I don't say that lightly!

— Colleen

5 Ways to Use Breathwork for Better Client (and Personal) Results
Sign up to learn how to use my unique breathwork, The Metamorphosis Method™ to create long-lasting results with your clients (and yourself) so your business grows easily.
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